Prof. dr. ir. Guillaume Delefortrie

Prof. dr. ir. Guillaume Delefortrie

Professor in Marine Hydrodynamics
Prof. dr. ir. Guillaume Delefortrie
ORCID 0000-0003-4109-3330


Naval architect (MSc, Ghent University 2001, PhD, Ghent University, 2007), associate professor at the Maritime Technology Division of Ghent University, lecturer in charge of courses in marine hydrodynamics. Experienced in EFD based research, with focus point on ship manoeuvring in shallow and confined water based upon towing tank testing. He took the initiative to have a larger towing tank built, which lead to the creation of Flanders Maritime Laboratory. He has been secretary and chairman of the 27th-29th ITTC Manoeuvring Committee. Member of the organization and scientific committees of MASHCON conferences since their creation (2009).

Research topics

  • Ship manoeuvring
  • Seakeeping
  • Resistance & Propulsion
  • Experimental model tests in towing tank
  • Ship hydrodynamic interactions (bank, bottom, other vessels, moored vessels)
  • Ship manoeuvring simulations


The full publication list can be found here

Scientific career

  • October 2022 – present: Associate professor Maritime Technology Division, Ghent University
  • December 2018 – September 2022: Visting professor Maritime Technology Division, Ghent University
  • October 2008 – September 2022: Expert nautical research, Flanders Hydraulics
  • January 2008 – September 2008: Post-doc Researcher Maritime Technology Division, Ghent University
  • January 2002 – December 2007: Assistant Maritime Technology Division, Ghent University
  • September 2001 – December 2001: Researcher Maritime Technology Division, Ghent University


  • Best student paper award 2019 for the paper Experimental and numerical evaluation of the added wave resistance for an ultra large container ship in shallow water”
  • The Vice Admiral E.L.Cochrane Award 2018 for the paper “Experimental studies on seakeeping and maneuverability of ships in adverse weather conditions”
  • The Arthur M. Wellington Award 2008 for the paper “Evaluation of safety of navigation in muddy areas through real-time manoeuvring simulations.”
  • JASNAOE Paper Award 2006 for the paper “Modelling navigation in muddy areas through captive model tests.” (Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers)
  • Japanese Shipbuilding Award 2006 for the paper “Modelling navigation in muddy areas through captive model tests.”
  • Royal Belgian Union of Naval Architects award 2002 for the thesis “Mathematical Formulation of Bank Effects for Ship Manoeuvring Simulation”


  • ITTC Manoeuvring Committee (2012-2021)

Current teaching activities


  • Ship Manoeuvring and Seakeeping Behaviour of Floating Structures (E055060)
  • Ship Resistance and Propulsion (E055080)
  • Ship Behaviour in Shallow and Confined Water (E055320)
  • Ship Design Project (E055090)


  • Marine Hydrostatics and Stability (E055020)